Sign Language Team
NTBC is putting a special team together for a one-time event happening July 5th, 2015 at 11am at our Dade Campus. We are looking for young and old alike to be part of our team to sign a song that the choir will be singing that weekend. It's very simple, watch the videos below to learn the signs. Learn them on your own at home then come to a reherasal that will be held with the whole team on a date to be determined.
Video #1 shows the signs for each word.
Video #2 shows the signs with the rhythm of the music.
Please see the link below to print out the lyrics to have in front of you as you learn the signs.
Download the MP3 below to listen to the song.
IMPORTANT: Fill out the form below to sign up and be contacted for details on rehearsal and other important information (like attire and times, etc) you will need to know. For more info not listed here, contact Pastor Adam at 305.827.8728 or