"The earth is the LORD’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it."
Psalm 24:1
We recognize that God is in control of all things and He owns everything – we are only managers of what He has given to us. God expects us to use everything He has given us for His honor and glory. Because God has blessed us with more than we deserve, we have the opportunity to give back to Him a portion of what He has given us to manage. This giving is not difficult when we realize it all belongs to Him already. We encourage you to be faithful and to take advantage of the opportunity you have to give back to the Lord through your local church.
We are upgrading our online giving platform

We will be phasing out PushPay to give time for our members to set up and use Shelby Giving. The last day to use PushPay will be Sunday, May 28 2023. You can beginning using Shelby Giving right away by giving a one-time donation or set up recurring donations. Please contact the church office for any assistance.
If you are currently set up for recurring giving with PushPay, please log in to the appropriate account below to stop recurring giving and begin with Shelby Giving. All of your giving information will be kept available in our church system, but you are encouraged to download your giving history from PushPay for you records.
Please contact the church office for any assistance.

Use the options above to login to the PushPay online giving portal. You can review your giving, set up recurring contribution, and track/view your yearly online giving here.